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BELIEVE IT or NOT...Nick Mutuma used to work for G4S...this cant be true

If you thought Nick Mutuma was handed everything on a silver platter, you better think again. He had to hustle and struggle like everyone...

WOLOLO!!!... Lupita Shows Off The Panties She Wore To The Oscars..see PHOTO!!

Lupita’s sense of humor is refreshing and it is exciting to keep tabs on her because you never know what to expect. One moment she is super...

HAHA....Eric Omondi Selling The Malaysian Plane...This will BLOW your MIND

It’s quite unfortunate how people make fun of sad situations. While families are waiting for news on their loved ones following the disapp...

Bill Gates: The world is a better place than it’s ever been.

To look at news headlines, it’s easy to get an impression that there’s nothing good in the world – it’s all protests, and car bombs, and c...

Decoding two sets of surprising Asia peace talks

Is there something in the water? Suddenly peace, or at least peace talks, are breaking out in the most unlikely places. In Asia, entrenche...

18 North Carolina Patients Possibly Exposed To Rare Brain Disease.

Eighteen neurological patients in North Carolina may have been exposed to an incurable and fatal disorder similar to "mad cow" d...

Former Florida State Rep. Ana Rivas Logan Leaves GOP Over Immigration, Becomes A Democrat.

A former Florida state representative and Republican activist has left the GOP over immigration policy. Ana Rivas Logan will officially be...

How Dangerous Is That Sketchy Subway Bread Chemical, And Who Else Uses It?.

Subway announced Wednesday it will remove from its bread recipe a chemical that is also found in yoga mats and rubber-soled shoes. The cha...

Why global water shortages pose threat of terror and war.

On 17 January, scientists downloaded fresh data from a pair of Nasa satellites and distributed the findings among the small group of resea...